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Iggy Azalea Quits Instagram Over Unsympathetic Fans and Long Lens Cameras


It’s been yet another rough week for sensitive rapper Iggy Azalea. A few weeks back, Iggy quit Twitter, vowing to let her team run her handle. Last night she quit Instagram.

Iggy was upset because the paps allegedly used a long lens camera to capture photos of her in her front yard. When her “fans” responded to her post with comments like “this is what you signed up for” and “stop crying,” Iggy decided it was too much and hit delete.


Listen, I’m a big privacy advocate. California has some of the strictest privacy laws in the nation. And I agree that shooting over her gates into the privacy of her home is too much. BUT, I do feel as if Iggy is riding this victim thing out. If you’re hip-pop and you’re cool with that, stop taking yourself so seriously. All of the whining from a chick who starts one of her biggest hits with, “first thing’s first I’m the realest” should be able to handle a few of the bows being lobbed her way.

I don’t recall hearing Nicki Minaj or Lil Kim cry this much about all the abuse they take.

Rough week for Iggy and Nick. Iggy was ethered by ESPN anchor Robert Flores. After Nick tried to come to her defense and state that he would run into Flores at some point, he killed Swaggy P off too.

“If you look at his numbers, there is a 70 percent chance that if he takes a shot at me, he’s going to miss,” Flores quipped on ESPN Radio’s Sedano & Stink show, when asked about his feud with Young. “I’m just looking at the numbers. So, I’m good. It’s all good.” (Young is currently shooting just at 36.6 percent.)

Photo via @AllWestEverything

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