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Gilbert Arenas Poses As A Cop [Photo]

Gilbert Arenas seems like he might be a fun guy to be around. But in the middle of CBA negotiations, is that the best time to have your fiance twitpic you in a tiny cop uniform? Especially considering you were in pimp costume a few days before. That’s got to be on purpose right?

The last CBA (2005) agreement gave birth to the “Allan Houston Clause.” Basically teams where given the chance to wipe a contract (correct a management overpay most likely) from their payroll. That also meant saving on the dollar-per-dollar Luxury tax. If there’s another amnesty clause in this deal, I’m calling it “The Gilbert Arenas” clause.

Why did I think his tattoos were lace stockings. This is all too much.

Oh, this was for first date night.


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