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Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Will Sue You If You Leak Details of Their Wedding


Gabrielle Union and Heat star Dwyane Wade are set to marry on Saturday in Miami. The standard protocol for high profile weddings as of late is a cell phone ban and confidentiality waivers. Add Gabby and Dwade to that list.


The couple not only has their guests signing Non-disclosure agreements, catering staff, family members, etc. must sign them too. Talk about the Wade’s big day and end up having to pay millionaires more money.

ANYTHING seen or heard at the wedding is confidential information that must be kept secret — including any personal info or financial details.

Perhaps they’ll be like LeBron James and his wife Savannah. Almost a year later and we’re still waiting to see photos and clarity on if Beyonce did or did not perform at the wedding- she didn’t.

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