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Dr J reveals daughter was conceived because mom couldn’t give him oral sex


Dr. J is releasing his autobiography next week. In an excerpt regarding his love child, former tennis pro Alexandra Stevenson. Page Six reveals that Erving said his daughter was conceived when her mother – whom he was cheating on his wife Turquoise with – couldn’t give him oral sex.

Erving tells how he met Samantha Stevenson — whom he describes on the page as “a smart single woman — a pretty white girl, a bit of a hippie giving off a vibe of availability” — in 1978 when she was covering the Philadelphia 76ers for Sport magazine.

“She becomes someone who helps me unwind if I’m feeling high-strung or stressed. I can drive over and spend a relaxing evening that might even include oral sex,” Erving writes. “I can only remember one time that we actually had intercourse, and that was because she had just gotten this new orthodontia to straighten her teeth. With wire and gleaming metal bristling in her mouth, oral sex was not an option.”

While I appreciate the “keep it real” aspect, that is his daughter’s mother, not some random groupie he never encountered again. “vibe of availability” is a super nice way of saying “loose,” right? I wonder if he at least let his daughter know how open he planned to be before the book dropped.


In 2021 the topic has resurfaced because of an ESPN initiative that DR. J is involved in. He confessed Alexandra Stevenson was born because her mother had braces”

I talk about this and more stories of how athletes utilized groupies back in the day in my book, POSTGAME PASS.

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