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Cowboys Orlando Scandrick wants to cash out Draya so she’ll stop doing “Basketball Wives LA”


Basketball Wives LA has returned to VH1 for season three, so that means more drama and of course, a media tour. Draya recently appeared on Big Boy’s Neighborhood on Power 106, where she shared that her NFL boyfriend, Cowboys Orlando Scandrick, offered to cash her out if she stopped appearing on reality TV.


“You know what? I think it’s been really hard on my boyfriend,” Draya said during an interview with Big Boy’s Neighborhood. “We watch it together and he’s came to the point already. It’s been episode one, we saw 60 minutes of what is going to be going on for 12 weeks and he’s like ‘You know what? I don’t think you should do this next year. How much are they paying you again? I’ll pay you double to sit your a** on the couch.’”

I bet he does feel that way. Orlando is a storyline for season 3 involving Jackie Christie’s daughter Chantel, and an alleged cheating/hook up scenario. Orlando actually ends up sitting down with Draya, Chantel and Jackie on an upcoming episode. Cowboys fans, this is a sign.


Draya says for now, her plan – and the five season standard VH1 contract she signed – is to dance with the date that brought her. Meaning you’ll see her on BBWLA until she can negotiate her own show.

“Well, I think that ‘Basketball Wives’ is my date to the prom so I gotta dance with her for a little bit because that’s who I came with,” she explained. “But I don’t have to go home to her at the end of the night. So I would like to do my own thing eventually. Once the ‘Basketball Wives’ train comes to a stop, I would like to graduate into the Draya Show and I’m already transitioning into that.”

spotted at BSO

photos via @SoDraya

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