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Chris Bosh Experiences Razor Burn [Video]

Chris Bosh recently appeared on MTV’s When I was 17. In one of the deleted scenes, he shared a story about he and his high school teammates going to the state finals. The team decided to shave their heads in a show of solidarity but Bosh’s cut left him with a scalp situation.


That’s pretty funny… and gross. LMAO have you seen razor burn/bumps on a guy’s head/neck area? ICK. That entire visual has tummy spinning. I think Chris is right, he should always keep hair. Wait, let me clarify, not the dreads he had but where he is right now… or, whatever Adrienne prefers.

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Jags RB Maurice Jones-Drew, Seahawks WR Sidney Rice & Falcons CB Brent Grimes Do 'The Shiva Bowl Shuffle' [Video]

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