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Byron Scott’s wife wants maintain elite lifestyle in divorce


Marriage and professional athletes doesn’t seem the place you should go looking if forever and ever is the goal. Divorce for professional athletes hovers right around 79% – the national average is 50% – but its still somewhat shocking when you hear of a couple that has been together for decades splitting.

Lakers head coach Byron Scott met his wife Anita while in college. The two were married for 29 years, but last summer after signing a $17 million deal with the Lakers, Scott filed for divorce. Now Anita wants to ensure that she will continue to live the lifestyle she’s become accustomed to.

— Anita says the couple lived in several insane cribs over the years (8 bedroom pad in NJ, 7 bedroom house in New Orleans, swanky 4 bedroom penthouse in Cleveland).

— Anita says she “regularly” bought clothes from Chanel, Gucci, Prada and Louis Vuitton … with no specific dollar limit.

— Anita says she dropped at least $600 every six weeks for hair upkeep … and $500-per-month on manis, pedis and massages. Plus another $400-per-month on facials and “other personal maintenance.”

— The Bahamas. Once a year. First class airfare. Suites at top-rated resorts. Oh, and they’d often pay for additional family members to join along.

Anita says she needs spousal support asap, since she doesn’t have a job and is living in a cramped 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom condo in Culver City which is “not comparable to the lavish and spacious homes we purchased during the marriage.”

Sounds about right… 3 decades, lots of moving, etc.

I wonder if the fact that Byron has already moved on to a new boo adds to the wants?Byron-Scott-Girlfriend


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