Bill Simmons mad SportsCenter edited out his DWade joke


One thing is certain, ESPN’s NBA Countdown show is no Inside the NBA. Often time the ESPN show that features Mike Wilborn, Jalen Rose, Magic Johnson and Bill Simmons feels stiff and forced. Like there’s no chemistry between the cast and no connection to the audience. Bill Simmons, whose never been shy about voicing his opinion about his employer on social networks, got in his feelings about a SportsCenter edit of one of his jokes from Thursday night’s broadcast:


Ok, A. How many times can people use the Germany joke. B. it wasn’t as if HIS version was extremely funny or fresh and C. Simmons is a much better writer than he is on-air host, it’s not for everybody.

I realize they just revamped the cast this season but something needs to happen. One suggestion is getting rid of that “Four Tops” segment. Hello, 2013 here. Who do they visualize is watching these games?

