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Basketball Wives – Episode 1 Recap

VH1 Sunday finally arrived!! Although I think I was expecting a tad too much from Basketball Wives… The 1st episode definitely peaked my interest.

Before you start looking at the post sideways, follow me for a second. Here are my initial observations. Let’s start out with the most obvious:

Shaunie’s pimp game. This show has gone through several “potential” featured wives\wifeys (check the archives for other rumored involved significant others) but I’d bet the one thing that was constant was Shaunie’s role as facilitator.  She makes sure to fly just low enough to pull strings but not get tangled in the web during the process. We’ll see how this develops over the course of the show.

Royce will be the sacrificial lamb. Notice, she was the only one shown getting ready for dinner. The segment made her look awkward and not quite as pulled together as the other ladies. Perfect set up for ::cue the claps from Ludacris’ How Low single :: Back in February when the pool party “situation” ::again picture me doing air quotes:: happened, I mentioned that the contest was being shot for the show and that Royce is a professional dancer. That’s not NEWS. It appeared as if the other ladies were encouraging and enjoying the performance until it hit the internet. Who knows, I thought the whole intervention scene was over the top. But made for an excellent segueway storyline. One that I’m sure is the seed to sprout a tree of disagreements, redemption and other hijinks.

The NBA is clearly not in favor of this show (probably the reason why there aren’t really any active players involved… No disrespect to Matt Barnes butttttttt, you get me :wink:) Listen closely, along with Dwight Howard’s name not being mentioned, you also won’t hear the initials NBA or any of the franchise names… Only cities. David Stearn frowns on this behavior (I’m guessing)

Gloria is the only member of the cast not on twitter (She’s also the only one whose still with her “Professional Basketball player”) No I haven’t forgotten Jennifer but from the previews her marriage looks a little nervous. Is there a correlation… MAY-BE

A few current and former NBA players on twitter had random commentary about the show.”Why are they all exes?”, “Did they ever really love the actual man”, “they didn’t make not one free throw… why are they famous?” Perhaps the most comical reaction. Or non reaction depending on your POV. Was that of Shaq who posted 2 crazy Ustream recordings during the airings. You can check that video out in Jill A Vision

Having said all that, I’m excited to watch the growth and Yes, the DRAMA!!! My DVR is set for the season!

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