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Tony Parker- Eva Longoria Divorce Update

The Eva Longoria-Tony Parker divorce drama might not make it as a storyline on Desperate Housewives but it really is it’s own soap opera.

Tony was blindsided by Eva filing for divorce this week. Not because they weren’t discussing divorce but the timing and the information about the text messages being included. Tony has since filed his own divorce petition in Bextar County, Texas. The courts will have to decide where the actual case will happen. The legal maneuvaring on Tony’s part is said to be because divorces typically end in 90 days or less in Texas and over course a stratgeic move to get around the prenup. Remember Tony just signed a $50 million dollar extension with the Spurs

Ok one last Crazy piece to the puzzle, The lawyer representing Tony is the same attorney representing Brent Barry in his Divorce.

“Tony had Erin’s personal information stored in an electronic program that only he could access,”
“It was a double shot for her because not only did she find all the information but Eva also realized immediately that Tony had taken steps to hide it from her.

“The fact that Tony had been hiding Erin’s information and their correspondence made Eva feel like he had been lying to her for months, and basically he had been.”

That’s the moment the marriage blew up, the source said.

“They have a long-distance marriage and that alone is not easy,” the source said. “There was already a lot of stress between them. But then when Eva discovered Tony had taken elaborate measures to lie to her she knew it was over.”

Erin’s name and phone number were in a program that only Tony could access, a program designed to hide information, the source said. The text messages were then discovered by Eva and it was all over.

“They both agreed a while ago that the marriage was over. Tony was going to file for divorce but Eva told him that she wanted to file.”

But when Eva filed the timing surprised Parker, the source said.

“They were still talking over details and she blindsided him. He found out about the filing from his people, not Eva.”

Then Eva told the media that she found text messages.

“That also wasn’t part of the plan,” the source said. “Tony didn’t know she was going to reveal that.”

Meanwhile, Erin, who was married to Tony’s ex teammate Brent Barry, was also getting divorced.

“Her marriage broke up for a lot of reasons,” one source said. “But she thought that she and Tony had a future together. That’s not really what Tony was thinking but Erin was. Their text messages weren’t innocent. They were way, way over the line.”

Even more stinging for Eva is the fact that she and Tony were friends with Brent and Erin.

“That’s how the whole thing started between Erin and Tony. They would go out as couple’s and there was a strong attraction. Then they started secretly talking to each other and then that progressed to flirting and then it got worse from there,”

“Erin wanted to be with Tony. Tony was attracted to her and away from his wife most of the year.”

Such a long road from when Tony was playing Danny Zuko and Eva was Sandy in a Spurs spoof. Oh, can’t forget this, Erin Barry was Rizzo in the clip!


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