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Shannon Brown Addresses Rumors Of His Involvement With Pau Gasol’s Girlfriend

I realize that ANYTHING is possible but sometimes the rumor mill just gets out of hand. The Lakers sweep couldn’t just end, there has to be a cliffhanger to take us through the off season because it’s Hollywood and that’s just how things are done right?

After both Pau and Kobe denied the rumors of the two having a rift based on drama with their significant others. A new rumor hit the net. This time it wasn’t Pau that was cheating, it was actually his girlfriend Silvia and she was allegedly hooking up with Shannon Brown.

Shannon took to Twitter to clear his name:

The Lakers lost to a team that played better than them. A lot of factors contributed to that loss but somehow I just don’t believe that this is one of them.


To check out the original story go to BSO

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