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Delonte West And Von Wafer Come To Blows

Earlier this week it was reported that Celtics teammates Von Wafer and Delonte West had a fist to cuffs after a 2 on 2 game in practice. Now word comes that another squrimish took place after today’s session.

During a 3 on 3 today. Delonte was said to be guarding Von very aggressively. It got to the point that Von left the game and went to the locker room as Delonte was shouting a bunch of inappropriate words to him.

Guys getting into it during practice is a normal occurrence. But twice in less than a week seems to indicate there’s something more going on.  It’s no secret that Delonte has a few “issues”.  I wonder if he’s current on his meds (I’m not making a joke with that statement). Ron Artest has opened the door for mental health in athletics to be a discussion point. If that was the cause of Delonte’s behavior I hope its addressed in a proper manner and he’s not simply cut and thrown away from the team.

However, if this is one of the 2 age old points of conflict for men (Money and women), I hope it wasn’t about Von’s mother (that WAS a joke, its ok for you to laugh now)


West believed Wafer was responsible for published anonymous quote saying it was “obvious” when West hadn’t taken his medicine, source says.

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