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Kevin Durant Joins A Random Flag Football Game In Oklahoma City [Video]

Kevin Durant made some college kids night in Oklahoma City on Monday night. The NBA Superstar tweeted how he was bored and was looking for a flag football game to join. On Twitter, you can find anything. Kevin ended up joining an intramural flag football game at Oklahoma State University.

Durant threw four touchdowns and grabbed three interceptions on defense, It was so much fun in fact, that LeBron James saw KD’s tweets and challenged Kevin to a game.

LeBron tweeted  “I need that invite next time! That’s really my sport!”

Durant told LeBron “I got u bro! But I’ll lock u up, I had 3 picks.”

Next thing you know, LeBron was challenging Durant to a flag football game between Team King James and Team KD35 — something Durant accepted.

Bucks pg Brandon Jennings, whose been playing other NBA players in flag football the past two months, of course felt some type of way because his games aren’t making headlines.

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