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Gloria James’ Slap Victim, Rockfeller Sorel Speaks To The Media

I want Justice – Rockfeller Sorel on how he feels about the incident.

No big surprise here,  the valet driver, Rockfeller Sorel,  that was allegedly assaulted by Gloria James at the Fontainebleu hotel apparently has plans for a lawsuit.

If his version of the events, Gloria James left her car in the parking drive for 30 minutes and then became irate when she was ready to leave and Sorel wasn’t immediately available to service her.

Sounds as if LeBron may want to consider getting his mother help for her alcohol issues. I’m sure an amicable settlement can be reached with Rockfeller Sorel but entitlement issues plus alcohol is a recipe for additional problems in the future.

LeBron handled the questions regarding the incident in a direct and honest answer.

Curtsy to BSO for the videos

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