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One on One with NBA wife Audrey Griffin

Audrey Griffin is the wife of former NBA player and current Chicago Bulls assistant coach Adrian Griffin. But there’s so much more to her than just that title. Audrey is also a mother, Educator, Parenting lifestyle consultant, and author. Her book, “The Day I Took off My Cape: An NBA Wife’s Journey to Finding Family Balance,” covers the topics of parenting, family, and personal growth.

Audrey recently spoke at the Behind the Bench conference in Atlanta (BTB is the organization comprised of wives and significant others of active and retired NBA players) and took some time out to talk to me about the organization, misconceptions about being married to an athlete and transitioning from the role of an athlete’s wife to a coach’s wife.

Jill: How did you become involved with “Behind the Bench”?

Audrey: I was first introduced to the organization by Sandra Short (our current president) in 2003 when I lived in Houston, where she resides.  She told me about it then, but I couldn’t make a commitment at the time since I just had my fourth child and I had four kids under the age of 7. It just wasn’t an ideal time for me to join then.

Jill: How soon into your relationship did you become involved with the organization? Have you always done philanthropy work?
Audrey: I ended up joining BTB in 2007, and this was also the year I was nominated and elected as Vice President, so as soon as I became a member, I was very much involved.

I love working with families, children, and parents who are in need of assistance.  I do believe we are here to serve; that is the rent we pay to live. Whether it is through my sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, helping a friend with their non-profit organization, or with Behind the Bench, I have always tried to be active in my community wherever I reside.

Jill: You recently spoke on one of the panels for the BTB conference. What was the topic?

Audrey: My topic was how to create balance to live a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Jill: In the mission statement, “BTB” says its purpose was to help families. How is that achieved?

Audrey: We help by raising money and devoting our time to local and national charities.  Whether it is through community service or raising money through our events, we seek ways to enrich the lives of today’s families.

Jill: How does “BTB” support the wives within the organization?

Audrey: We are JASA, just a sister away!   We know we can call on one another for advice & support, whether it is for personal care, business, or to catch up and see how one another is doing simply.

Jill: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about being married to an athlete?

Audrey: That your life is easy& everything that glitters is gold.  

Jill: Is your life much different now that your husband is a part of the coaching staff and not the players’ side?  

Audrey: Absolutely! The hours are much longer, and the vacation time is significantly shorter.  So we have had to become really creative with staying connected and spending time together as a family.

Jill: What would be one piece of advice to young ladies who are strictly looking at the glitz and glam of your “lifestyle”?

Audrey: Beside every great man is an amazing woman holding him and his family down.  It’s no easy road to making marriage & relationships work& keep families grounded in this lifestyle, so it truly takes a special kind of woman to do that.

Make sure you check out Audrey’s website,  Remove your Cape,  for tips on balancing family, work while nurturing yourself in the process. And if you Tweet, follow her on Twitter

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