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Mike Tyson
35 posts
Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather Jr & 50 Cent Spoof The Hangover [Video]
50 Cent, Floyd Mayweather Jr and Mike Tyson have created a spoof to the Hangover to promote Street…
October 25, 2011
Mike Tyson Thinks Sarah Palin Should’ve Hooked Up With Another NBA Player [Audio]
The story of Glen Rich and Sarah Palin’s hook up back in 1987 is exciting news for a…
September 16, 2011
Your Favorite Jock Cameos From HBO’s “Entourage” Featuring LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Mike Tyson, Steve Nash And More [Video]
Tonight, one of my favorite shows comes to an end. The final episode of Entourage airs after 8…
September 11, 2011
Mike Tyson, Spike Lee & Entourage Creator Doug Elin Creating An HBO Drama
Mike Tyson and Entourage creator Doug Elin are teaming up to produce a drama series for HBO inspired…
June 21, 2011
Mike Tyson Inducted Into The Boxing Hall Of Fame [Video]
Mike Tyson was inducted into the International Boxing Hall Of Fame on Sunday. Tyson also took a moment…
June 13, 2011
Tattoo Time Hosted By Mike Tyson Featuring Kobe Bryant, Kenyon Martin & Deshawn Stevenson [Video]
I appreciate ink!! Wait let me clarify, I appreciate GOOD Ink. I know art is subjective but sometimes…
June 4, 2011
Mike Tyson, Ron Artest & Blake Griffin Attend The Premiere For The Hangover 2 [Photos]
The Hangover 2 will be in theatres soon but the premiere was Thursday night in Hollywood. Of course…
May 20, 2011
Mike Tyson Dances On Argentina’s “Dancing With The Stars” [Video]
Need a little pick me up? Watch Mike Tyson perform on Argentina’s version of “Dancing With The Stars”…
May 18, 2011