The new Starz comedy Executive produced by LeBron James and his friend/business partner Survivor’s Remorse debuted to some uneventful numbers over the weekend. The show follows the fictional life of professional basketball player Cam Calloway and his family as he secures his first big money deal, and moves to a new franchise.
Only 200,000 viewers tuned in to check out the premiere. That number is down 71% from the show that occupied the 9:00 PM time slot previously, and down 56% from the 50 Cent produced “Power.” The show still has time to rebound of course, the initial episode was available online a week before the premiere. But it looks like this one might take a bit of work to build up its audience.
Check out episode 2 HERE it’s extremely timely given some of the more recent issues involving the NFL. And it was shot long before this particular scandal became front page news.
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